2 of 613: Deuteronomy 6:4 – To acknowledge the Unity of God

I am constantly asked the question, if the 613 command of the Old Testament still applies to us today. I believe the answer is yes.
I want you to know the absolute best way to live life is to follow the creators guide to true success, peace and happiness. This is called the Torah or it can be translated “the guide or teaching”
Todays Command is (#002 of 613) – To acknowledge the Unity of God
Deuteronomy 6:4 -Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.
TODAY’S COMMAND is the 2nd of 613 and is taken from Deuteronomy 6:4
The unity of God, God is One
Did you know that Jesus is God? I think sometimes the modern Christian separates Jesus from God. They believe that Jesus is God’s son. They also believe he is a part of God but the disturbing part is modern christians also think that Jesus has his own ideas, his own way of doing things. Particularly that Jesus is a lot nicer than God with his own set of Laws that are more realistic and down to earth.
By the end of this message I want you to have a new realization that Jesus truly is God. And that there is no separation between the two.
To acknowledge that God is one!
When we start separating Jesus from God I think it’s only natural to say that Jesus would do things differently. If we believe Jesus is different from God then we start contradicting scripture such as John 5:30 which says he does nothing but what the father tells him to do.
God is One
How people are get it wrong, God is three parts and yet one. So when we say God we are actually referring to God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are one. So anytime you say God you’re actually referring to Jesus Christ along with the father and along with the Holy Spirit. You are referring to the unit we call God. Jews say that the trinity is actually three people not one and that it conflicts with this commandment. I can respect what they’re saying but I see it differently.
Let’s look at our own bodies. Our own selves. We are three in one. We have a body, we have a mind and we have a spirit. We are three units in one. I can go even further to say that the Bible teaches the body dies and our mind and spirit are separated and go to a holding place after we die. And that these three will be reunited on Resurrection day. So if Genesis tells us we are created in the image of God then it only stands to reason that we would reflect the three parts of God. We are three in one just as God is three and one.
So if this is true then how would we divide up our God? Well straight out-of-the-box john claims in 1:14 that Jesus is the flesh and jesus In

1 Corinthians 11:24 claims to be the broken body. So Jesus is the body and obviously the Holy Spirit is the spiritual component of God. That only leaves God the father to be the intellectual in the group. He is the mind, he is the thinker.

– Here is the truth, if all that I said is true, that Jesus is the Body and God is the mind and The Holy Spirit is the spirit. Then I have a very large question for you. Who with their finger wrote the Ten Commandments? If Jesus is the body then it is very safe to say that Jesus put his finger on the tablets and wrote the 10 commandments at the direction of the father.
Why is this important to know? Because God is one.
If Jesus is the body then anytime that God spoke in the Old Testament he was actually using the mouth of Jesus Christ. This is a mind blowing concept to think Jesus Christ is the part of God that is called the body. Here’s some more amazing stories
When Jesus was baptized it says that the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove and that there was a voice from heaven. It did not say that God spoke from heaven. Is it possible that God cannot speak without the voice of Jesus Christ? I know that this is a stretch for some peoples minds but even when we look at the end of time it says that Jesus it’s at the right hand of The throne of God. And it describes Jesus in a sitting position but it does not describe God in a seated position. Some of those verses could go either way I understand but it’s fascinating that they do not describe God the Father in the same way as Jesus
So let’s ask these questions again,
Who wrote the 10 Commandments on the stone and gave them to Moses? It was Jesus at the direction of God the father because they are one?
Who spoke to Moses in the cloud and gave them all of the commands of the Old Testament? It was Jesus speaking at the direction of God the father. They are one?
Who was it that said I am God and I never change? It was Jesus speaking this at the Direction of God the father. God is One!
Who was it that in Deuteronomy 13 says if a prophet or messenger from God teaches anyone to break the least of the Commandments, they should be considered a false prophet? It was Jesus at the direction of God the father. God Is One
Who was in Matthew five that said if anyone breaks the least of the Commandments they will be least in the kingdom of heaven? It was the same person it was Jesus at the direction of God the father. God Is One
If Jesus is the one that said if anyone teaches against any portion of the Torah they are false prophet then why do we teach in our modern church that Jesus set us free from torah, Gods Laws? He would be making himself a false prophet.
He is God, Jesus is the God of the Old Testament
Jesus is no different than the God that separated the Red Sea.
He is the same God that told us not to eat pork
He is the same person that told us that homosexuality was wrong. God Is One
He is the God of all the commands, All 613 commands of the Old Testament. There is no separation between him and the God of the Old Testament
Jesus is the one that spoke and wrote every line in every sentence of the commands of the Old Testament. God Is One
I would encourage you to make a commitment to follow the commands of the Old Testament. They are the direct words of Jesus Christ our Savior. If they are not, then you are serving the wrong God. If you believe that the Commandments have been done away with by Jesus Christ then you are following a false prophet. God Is One
Begin to treat Jesus as the God of the Old Testament. Jesus is the hand and mouth of God the father, God the father is the brains behind the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is the spiritual aspect of this triune being that makes up our God.
God Is One

Should Christians keep the Sabbath: A Debate between Jim Staley and Chris Rosebrough at Passion For Truth

On May 10th, at 5:30pm, two Christian pastors shared the stage to debate a profound biblical question: Should Christians keep the Sabbath? Each man presented his case. This event was presented in front of a live audience at Passion for Truth Fellowship and was streamed live to thousands who tuned in. The Participants Jim Staley – is the director of Passion for Truth Ministries and Pastor/Teacher of Passion for Truth Fellowship in St. Charles, MO. He has been featured on God’s Learning Channel, Sky Angel Network, WorldNetDaily, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural program and many others. His teachings and messages are heard daily and weekly on radio stations around the country and are translated into multiple languages and broadcasted into Christian television stations around the world. For years, Jim was an evangelical Christian apologist in the St. Louis area, teaching Bible study classes and equipping Christians to better defend their faith and evangelize. Since 2007 he has dedicated his life to helping believers further understand the Christian Roots of their faith by diving into the original cultural context, language and idiomatic expressions and how to apply them today. Chris Rosebrough – is a Christian apologist, captain of Pirate Christian Radio, host of the Fighting for the Faith radio program, and Pastor at Kongsvinger Lutheran Church in Oslo, MN. He has been featured on the History Channel 2’s series, The Bible Rules, and is a regular guest on the radio program, Issues, Etc., on KFUO in St. Louis. He has lectured at several conferences in the USA, and has been featured with prominent Christian authors and theologians such as, Phil Johnson & Dr. James White. Chris has a degree in religious studies & Biblical Languages.

One Body


Without question, there are many divisions in opinions pertaining to the subject of unity in the Body of our Messiah. Sounds kind of ironic, doesn’t it? Yet, it is so. Each denomination believes they’re the ones who’ve correctly interrupted the Word of our God in Heaven, and the words of His Living Word and Son, Yahshua (Jesus). We even are divided on the proper Name of the One who created us! How, then, do we to heed the call given to us in the book of Ephesians? Let these verses sink into your spirit before we dip our toes into this sometimes confusing subject.

~I call upon you therefore, I the prisoner of The Master, to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called, with all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing one another in love, being eager to guard the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. One Body and one spirit…One Master, one belief, one immersion, one Elohim and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.~Ehpesians 4:1-6
Certainly, our need is for discernment. Unity at the cost of compromising the Word of YHWH could easily make us lukewarm. Division at the cost of being a stumbling block to other believers leaves us stained with sin. As with any other issue we might face in this life, the Holy Scriptures are our guide. From Genesis to revelation, we see both unity and division in the family of YHWH. The adversary is always at work, and our own pride can allow us to fall prey to his schemes. Not one of us has our Heavenly Father all figured out. No one is completely right at interpretting every single verse of Scripture. Knowing when to unite and when to divide is key. Yahshua said in the book of Luke, “Do you think that I came to give peace on earth? I say to you, no, but rather division.” (12:51) He goes on to say, “And why, also, do you not judge for yourselves what is right? (vs. 57)
Our struggle for unity while still obeying the Word of YHWH is not unique to our times. In the book of Acts, we find that the men who made up the Jerusalem council faced the same kind of questions regarding unity. At that time, the desire was to unite the new believers who were following Yahshua’s teachings with those older believers who had only been following YHWH. In studying how they handled matters, I learned one important factor: Extend the right hand of fellowship. For me, that is always the starting point. I have friends of all demoninations, and our unity is found in believing in the One True God, and in His desire that we should walk in love and let His light shine through us. That’s a wonderful place to start! We should be banding together to help fill the needs of others instead of spending our time bickering over the smaller points of doctrines.
When it comes to unity or division for corporate fellowship, again we can find answers and discernment throughout Holy Scripture. Gone are the days where there was one Temple or Synagogue for the people of Yah to gather in for worship and study. Today we have a plethora of choices. Without doubt, according to Hebrews 10, we are told to gather in His Name. Verse 25 tells us it will be even more important as the return of our Messiah draws nearer. But how do we know which congregation would be a choice that pleases our Heavenly Father? I am so thankful we can find some hints in the second and third chapters of the Book of Revelation. Before you commit to the authority of a “shepherd” and to fellowship with body of believers, be sure you take some time to see what Yahshua has said concerning the churches in those chapters. The benefits of studying this out will leave you with no doubts as to which congregation is for you. The guidelines are given so that we do not become subject to false teachers, or wolves in sheep’s clothing.
A true shepherd will lead his flock according to the Word of YHWH. That’s the ultimate authority we want to be under! Seven churches were addressed in Revelation, and throughout the verses of the two books, we are shown the things that our Heavenly Father holds against each church, as well as the things He recognizes as correct, and within His will for us. Before you declare anyplace your “church home” be sure it meets with our Heavenly Father’s requirements, and not your own idea of perfect. Then, unite with that body of believers, and go on about our Father’s business!
In reguard to fellowship with other believers outside of a corporate setting, I am not so stringent as I am concerning finding Godly leadership and authority. I realize that I am not the one who gives revelation to another. I can point to our Heavenly Father and His written Word, but revelation is given to each of us by the Spirit of YHWH, most often through reading His Word. I’m happy to share Scriptures that I’ve found, and happy to have Scripture shared with me. My brethren and I may not always see doctrine exactly the same, but we are still brethren. I will not argue, I know where I stand in relation to the eternal truths. I actively participate in ministries that have a variety of believers with much to contribute, even though some of their finer points of doctrine differ. Our common goal is to share the Good News, and that is our focus.
The same kind of fellowships benefits many communities, as well. When there’s a natural disaster or tragedy in any given area, it’s common to see all many various denominations unite to offer help, provision, and hope to all affected. Differences are laid aside for the greater need. When someone asks me for prayer, I don’t stop to question how they feel about the Dietary Laws, I simply pray. We’d do well to remember that Scripture tells us to be “like minded” not necessarily “same minded”. We can cooperate with other believers without compromising our walk.
The closer we walk with YHWH, the easier it becomes to discern how He would have us handle any given situation or person. This discernment will make our walk on the Narrow Path much easier to navigate. There will be times when we will have to walk away from people (even believers) and times when we will have to walk away from certain situations. Some separations will be easy and clear-cut. Some, I promise you, will not be. Other times, YHWH will call us to unite in His mighty Name, even given our differences. Take each circumstance to Him in prayer. Only our Heavenly Father, through His written Word and His Spirit, will be able to guide you. The subject of unity and division is important to our Heavenly Father. Thus, it must be important to us, as well.

Don’t Miss Your Blessing, “Church” Makes You Better.

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Thank you for watching today. I know God has a plan and a purpose for you. Today we are talking about how staying home from church means missing God’s best for your life. This message will show you blessings. You are forfeiting by when you do not gather with other believers.

This teaching is brought to you by the generous donations of people like you and those who have subscribed to the Yeshua Magazine in the iTunes store.

If you are staying home from church, you are missing God’s favorite method of building character in your life. How does God build character? Through conflict. Continue reading “Don’t Miss Your Blessing, “Church” Makes You Better.”

Has Anger Stopped You From Going To Church? Watch This Message, Yeshua Has A Word For you.

Are You Angry At the Church?
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Thank you for watching today. God has a plan and a purpose for you. I hope this message encourages you to love God, Yehovah and your fellow-man more.

You may feel like you are attending a church that isn't following correct biblical doctrine and rules. Are doctrinal differences a good enough reason to leave that body of believers? I will present a case that there are very few things that should separate us from gathering as a body of believers. The goal of this message is not to convince you of a set of rules about how to leave or when to leave, but to encourage you to pause and cry out to the Father to make His will your will. This lesson is about coming out of a church at the right time and for the right reasons. I will be the first to tell you, I don’t know God’s will for your life.  I want you to realize that the Father may ask you to stay in your current church to prepare you for your next body of believers. You may not be ready to make the move just yet.  The Father’s timing is perfect and He will not fail you.

I also want to talk to the person that is sitting at home all alone because he or she cannot find a body of believers who thinks exactly the same way. Disagreements in beliefs and doctrine are not reasons to separate yourself. This message is also for the church hopper who goes from one body of believers to the next, seeking the true, pure group of believers who thinks just like themselves. I don't see this going on anywhere in the Bible. But I do see that lifestyle leading towards division, not the unity that our Father desires for His bride.

I want to look at how Yeshua handled EXTREME disunity in the body of believers.

Let's look at the story in Luke 4:

Continue reading "Has Anger Stopped You From Going To Church? Watch This Message, Yeshua Has A Word For you."