Five Areas Of Preparation – By Lisa Gleaves

Five Areas of Preparation After reading a lot of helpful information on Sabbath preparation, I saw five areas that stood out: 1. Home Preparation- there is a lot to do to keep my home clean and peaceful 2. Food Preparation- I want to prepare well so my meals during Sabbath are enjoyable 3. Personal Preparation- I have personal things to take care of so I won’t be tempted to do them on Sabbath 4. Spiritual Preparation- my heart and mind need to be ready for Sabbath as much as my home 5. Going to Church Preparation- if I attend church on Sabbath, I need to make sure it doesn’t create any work during Sabbath Each of these areas are important and take time to accomplish before Sabbath begins.  God asks me to prepare for Sabbath beforehand so I can receive His full Sabbath blessings.  I need to keep in mind that life is never perfect.  I will always encounter the unexpected and sometimes fall short of what I hope to accomplish in my preparations.  It’s then that I can make the decision to let everything go that I can and have a good Sabbath anyway.